T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Sunday!)

I am tired. Just a point my poor body is trying to make I guess, about me needing more exercise. We had our Girl Scout Thinking Day event yesterday for our service unit (North Little Rock and Sherwood.) For those of you who don’t know, I have been a Girl Scout leader for I guess six years now (about 3 or 4 with this troop.) Cookies Anyone? The girls chose Canada as their country for the event, and really did a great job. We had totem poles, an ice fishing hut, fingerprint animals, 6 foot tall maple tree with a sap bucket, air hockey table, displays, and great food. It’s always fun but really a job. After that six hours we came home and unloaded, and then Scott and the boys came home and wanted to go to the IMAX. It was fun, but I was REALLY happy to sleep in this morning!

Updates and such

All the past posts I just uploaded from my old blog, so they are all at least a year old I think. I will write more later! Girl Scout event tomorrow and busy and TIRED!

Happy Birthday Baby- March 10, 2008

Emily age 3 (first dance recital)

My baby’s growing up! Today I’m thinking back to a March that resembled this March- we had snow a the beginning of the month, and then beautiful flowers (I’m hoping that they will come soon.) It was eleven years ago when my first child came to be with us (in true character, four weeks late!) I can remember looking at her for the first time thinking “She has an old soul, so intelligent!” She has brightened my life in so many ways, and taught me so many things (patience, I’m still working on.) Her endless creativity always amazes me. I feel so fortunate to be her mother and share a special part of her life. I can’t believe it’s been eleven years already…

Decisions, choices, (or the ramblings of my morning brain.)- March 3, 2008

Kitchen Ceiling after first rain- it’s worse now!
I have been debating the move from iWeb to WordPress. I really like how easy iWeb is to use and all that jazz, but don’t want to pay for it! 🙂 I love my friends’ sites on WordPress and might try a little one just to see how it goes. I think I have to pay for this one today!
Someone is walking on my roof. This one actually warned me which was nice. For those of you who haven’t heard- we had some damage from the wind storms about three weeks ago. The flat roof on our kitchen dining area and part of our living room blew off. Then, water gushed in the kitchen (I MEAN GUSHED!) It was like the chandelier was a shower head and the air vents, and the door frame… Lovely mess to say the least. I’ve been fighting to get estimates on everything, and have an insurance check waiting to go if I can ever find someone willing to work on it. Just waiting on the man on the roof nows estimate and then will get going on it this week hopefully. The only good thing I can say about it is that now I can redo the ceiling and lights in the living room, and I am going to go ahead and put in new lights and remove the ugly beams if we can. We have pecky cypress 1/2” thick panelling in there on all walls. We don’t really like it because it’s so rustic and dark, but it is nice wood. Scott wants to remove it and drywall the entire room and add a stone fireplace, but should we? I think I could sell the wood or at the least freecycle it.
This brings me back to my original thought. That is one of Choice. On jury duty last week one young man brought up a good point about life. He said “It all comes down to the choices we make. It might not seem like a big one at the time, but it can change your life.” It is true. Or it was in that case. But not really in the case of wood paneling, drywall, or where to blog. I have so much to be grateful for that my heart is bursting this morning.

Day of Rest- March 1, 2008

Marathon kid!

My kiddo after the LR Kids Marathon!
This past week was so exhausting. I had federal jury duty and was really excited about it. I am 37 and this was the first time I’ve ever been called for jury duty of any kind. It was a crazy, horrible case, and I was sort of hoping (after they had briefed us) that I wasn’t picked, and actually I wasn’t in the original 14. They picked 32 of us from the 68 or so, then picked 14 from there, and then the attorneys picked a few new ones and got rid of some they didn’t like. Anyway, it ended up being a four day trial with more nicknames, hit men, orange jumpsuits, and the like. I even learned how crack cocaine was made… what fun. There is so much that goes on that we don’t realize (or try not to I guess.) All in all though it was a very interesting experience, almost enough to write a book on. I was really lucky and the jury was a wonderful group of people that I can honestly say I’m glad I met. I just rested today. Scott took Emily down to the capitol this morning. She was in the LR KidRocker Marathon and finished in 30 minutes. (They walk/run all miles but the last one ahead of time and only ran one mile today.) Maradee, Mom, and Popie came over and we had a hamburger cook out. Then after they left we finished our “camp out” on the trampoline. I promised Max we would today. We roasted marshmallows in the chimenea and rested on the trampoline in the sleeping bags looking at the stars. The kids thought it was pretty neat. They caved in though and are upstairs watching Star Wars. (What city kids I have!)