Snow Days Part 2

It never snows much in Central Arkansas, but this year…
Two snow days in a row!

Birds hopping on the deck
Out for a walk today
Hiding in the snow
Friendly Neighborhood snowman
Making tracks 
(or Why it took us so long to walk four blocks…)

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile.  I might write more about it later.
I really needed these days with my four favorite people.

Natural Deodorant Recipe

I just found this recipe for Natural Deodorant on this site
I am so excited to try it as I know it will save bundles and I will know what’s in it!

You use your own empty stick deodorant containers (washed out.)  I found a site once where you can order these new, but can’t find it now.  If you know of it please let me know!

Natural Deodorant

1/4 cup corn starch
1/4 cup baking soda
10 drops essential oil(they recommend tea tree or lavender)
Mix it all together(takes about 2 seconds)
you can use it just like that-dust it on as a powder
OR if you want to put it in a stick form you add
2-3 tbs coconut oil
you find it in the baking aisle by the shortening (also good as a skin cream and lip balm)
Once you have it all mixed up you pack it into an old, empty stick deoderant container.
Let “cure” about 24 hours for it to hold together properly when you apply it.

*Another recipe is HERE.  (They say to use 1 part baking soda to 6 parts corn starch.)

Groceries (or to Farmer’s Market we go)

I’ve been trying for the past year or so to really attempt to buy local as much as possible. 

Market in Winter


  • When I buy local I support local farmers.
  • I get fresh, yummy produce (the grocery stores can’t compare.)
  • I can get fresh, local, milk from a woman-owned dairy! 
  • I can get FRESH eggs!  (I’d still like a few chickens.)
  • I get to chat with my favorite farmers and neighbors while picking up my goods. (And in the summer the kids love the samples!)
  • I can take all my own bags and don’t even have to most of the time.
  • I get fresh milk (most of the time.)
  • Our local organic farmer’s market has online ordering which is awesome for a busy mom!
  • I don’t spend as much on junk at the grocery store because I plan and only get what I need (especially when I order online.)
  • I don’t have things going bad in the fridge because I don’t use them fast enough.


  • Sometimes, when I pre-order from our local organic farmer’s market online I don’t get what I think I’m ordering.  (Example: I ordered “Cracked Pecans” thinking they would be well, cracked shelled pecans.  I got a bag of the shells and the pecans, not picked through.  Quite strange.)  
  • On occasion, if I pre-order online I don’t get the freshest things.  (Milk has been almost sour twice and apples were so gross I couldn’t make a pie even.)  *Now, if I just get it from the farmer’s I can choose my own, but in the winter online ordering is sooo  much easier.
  • I spend about $1 more per gallon for milk than at the grocery store, $1 more for a dozen eggs, (but they are much better!)
  • I can’t always get everything I want at the market, but I’m learning to compromise.  
  • In the summer, if I don’t watch out I can spend WAY too much money. 

 Goodies from this summer’s market

My goals for this year:

  • This spring I’m going to try and plant more in my tiny, shady, garden.   I want to get lettuces and spinach in early because I always forget! 
  • Also I want to utilize container gardens more so I can take advantage of the sun on my deck.  Worked great for my basils last year and some tomatoes.
  • I want to make more homemade bread and buy virtually no store bought bread.  If I can co-op with my mom we can both benefit.  (Anyone else?)
  • I want to put away more of my herbs, and try to make more things from them. (Shampoo, soap?)
  • Keep up buying at the market and only going to the grocery store for a few things.   
  • My mom has a lovely garden and I’m trying to convince her to register to sell at the organic market this year for extra income.  I need to help her in her garden more!

Mom’s Summer Bounty
(She brought these for us!)

*Thanks to Jen at 11th Heaven’s Homemaking Haven for featuring me this week in her “Homemaker Monday” carnival!  I’m so tickled! 🙂   If you haven’t visited her site, check it out here!