Writer’s Workshop: 10 Things Blogging Has Taught Me

  1. If you put too much info in your blog no one will call – they will know everything you’ll have to say already! (April Fools!)
  2. Not to be so critical of myself.  (It’s funny because the posts I don’t feel so great about are usually the ones I get the most positive comments on.  Go figure!)
  3. It’s easy to lose hours of your life blogging if you aren’t careful! (As I am sucked into the deep chasm that is the internet…)
  4. Dust and laundry will still be there tomorrow.
  5. There are more people like me in this world than I thought. 
  6. More people read these things than you think, so be careful what you say!
  7.  Twitter, Mr. Linky, and Widgets, are not names for someone’s cats.  (But they would be, wouldn’t they?)
  8. Kids can be mean when they want to fight you for computer time.
  9. I’ve forgotten alot some of the many hours of intensive grammar I took in college.
  10. Venting is a great thing every now and again.

Mama's Losin' It