The Long Black Veil

A friend of mine, with her sister, have written a very interesting novel that I want to see published!   She is a phenomenal person and fantastic writer.  Here is a description…

The Long Black Veil

Jeannine DeLine and Bobbi L’Huillier

A drifter, a gangster, an interracial affair, and a little girl coming of age reveal the darker side of Camelot in the summer of 1963.
A drifter who has spent the last decade running from commitments, southerner Jamie Delacroix finds himself stranded in a small Northern town where an African-American musician, Calvin Lewis, comes to Jamie’s aid. Calvin introduces him to Harry Novotny, a small-time gangster with a respectable business front; Harry’s bitter wife, Eve, who retains a friendship with Calvin since childhood; and Jane, the Novotnys’ bright, lonely 12-year-old.

As he wrestles with his past and his future, Jamie is grateful for the unlikely friendships he forms with Jane and Calvin—until he stumbles upon the black man’s illicit love affair with Eve. As racial tensions in the town build toward an explosion, Jamie’s discovery threatens to destroy Jane’s family and costs Calvin his life.

Please help her get the book noticed!
What you can do:

Join the Authonomy site & create a reader profile for yourself so that you can actually back the book for on the site. You don’t have to do any more than that, but if you’re interested in finding new books to read, the site has a lot of good writers. 
Go to : and click on the “Register” button. The process is virtually painless!  Thanks for helping! 

Writer’s Workshop: Ode to a Tie-Dyed Shirt

This is written to a tie-dyed T-shirt I got my freshman year of college, U of A.  (Go Hogs!) It was from a school function- and the night I first danced with my honey.  He had one too, and I think that actually the one I wear was probably his, and I wore out the other one completely…

 Ode To A Tie Dyed T-shirt

Softest old shirt,
Older than dirt,
Back from that freshman year dance.

Tie-dyed and threadbare,
You remind me of that year,
When he put me first in a trance.

Always good,
You make me a happier one.

We go way back,
So cut me some slack,
If I only wear you for fun.

Oh shirt, I adore you,
And so I implore you,
To please not whimper or whine.

Just like my guy,
You don’t make me cry,
And you both get better with time.

Mama's Losin' It

Join in!

1.) Describe a popular kids toy or show that you just don’t understand. (Too many to mention.)

2.) Where were your shoes?  Write about an interesting time when you happened to be barefoot.  Begin and end your writing with a description of your feet.

(inspired by (I’m always barefoot so this is too hard.)

3.) Whom did you hide from?  Write about a hiding place you haven’t used for a while.
(inspired by (This could get to serious and I’m not in the mood.)

4.) Write a 20-line poem (rhyming or non-rhyming) dedicated to your favorite piece of clothing (could be a shirt, hat, shoes, etc.).
(inspired by (Okay!)

5.) Imagine your life is now a book. In 100 words, write the blurb for it. (It’s what people will read on the back cover.
(inspired by (I realized this was really much harder than I thought and don’t know if anyone would buy my book…)

Dinner Time Blues (or SPD bites)

Frustrated I am (says the Yoda in me.) 

Some of my kids have SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder.)  SPD is a condition in which your senses can’t process properly so sounds, smells, textures, sights, are distorted to where they are either heightened- lessened- or both.   One out of every 20 kids has it!  My oldest son’s main issues are with food.  The smells make him feel sick, the texture annoys him, sounds of people eating make him ill.   It is very upsetting at mealtime.  He won’t eat practically anything at school so when he comes home he’s famished.  The hardest part is he knows it’s irrational but just can’t help it. 

I must admit.  I have it too.  I can remember getting so grossed out (at everyone) for smacking when they ate when I was a kid, and I still do honestly.   One time, when I was 8 and at my first sleepover at a friend’s house, I woke up to find my host family so excited that they had made blueberry pancakes with maple syrup!  (I detest the smell of blueberry pancakes AND maple syrup.)  I ran out of the room and vomited.  I couldn’t help it.  I still can’t stand the smell.

At dinner we have battles sometimes.  Mainly stemming from “But I can’t stand that.  Why did you make THAT?”  Then the other kids might chime in and start a chorus of whining that drives me insane.
So I’m trying something that I hope helps.  I bought a cheap whiteboard calendar with a nice frame.  Last night I had the kids help me “plan” the meals.  We wrote the meals on the board and I’ll hang it prominently in the kitchen for all to see.  Hope now if issues arise with any kid I can say “But my dear, you planned the meals, I didn’t.”
Wish me luck.

If you have time please learn more about SPD.  Here is a great place to start.

Mama’s Hike

We went hiking at the “mountain” for Mama’s day per my request…

“Is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
When our mother Nature laughs around;
When even the deep blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?”