Our First Egg!

Pillow was clucking like a mad-chicky this morning and wouldn’t shut up. 
She got up in my basil pot on top of my rain barrel and cried.  I kept looking but nothing.
Then, I just went back out and…
Pillow’s First Egg

40 Things

My friend Alison had a phenomenal post today on the whimsical.  (One of my favorite words.)
She made a list on her last birthday of things she wants to do this year and that has me inspired.  I turn a big birthday in December and want to celebrate it.  I am going to start working on my things to do this year list now!  I’m going to try to make it focus on the unseen, but don’t know how well I’ll be able to manage that. 

Here is a start:

  1. Paint again
  2. Say more positive than negative things to my hubby
  3. Say more positive than negative things to my kids
  4. Paint the trim in my house
  5. Meditate on a regular basis again
  6. Start back in a regular yoga regimen
  7. Take another art class 
  8. Finish Sewing the things I started
  9. Get the baby albums finished (my youngest is 5 already…)
  10. Organize my pictures
  11. Travel to at least 2 countries this year
  12. Connect with my friends more
  13. Read a classic a month with my kids
  14. Start a family journal
  15. Talk to my brother more often
  16. Get rid of the clutter
  17. Dance more
  18. Make at least 3/4 of my Christmas gifts
  19. Ponder daily
  20. Get the rent house sold or rented

Okay, that’s half of my list.  I am going to revise it and post the whole thing on my birthday!   


I wanted to give a quick report on how I did last month at FlashBack, or attempting to post everyday in August.  Well, on this blog I only had 11 posts, but when you combine that with the posts on my other blogs I had a grand total of…..

26 posts! 
(Not too shabby!)

11 posts a month on my personal blog (this one) is about the most I ever can manage. 
Think I did okay.

Happy Birthday, Popie!

Today is my grandpa’s 93rd birthday!  
He is a wonderful man and still going strong.  
I am excited because he’s coming down for lunch today and I get to celebrate with him!
Me & Popie (1974)

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Popie!