Spring Fun

It’s been raining all day today, so I have to post pics of the gorgeous weekend we had to get me out of the funk…

Pear Blossoms
In the Park
My marathon kid (His team also won their 1st soccer game!)


Indiana Jones Cupcakes

Here were the cupcakes from my 6 yr old’s birthday in December (yes, I am very behind!)

maps, crystal skull, hats, whips, snakes…

The Crystal Skull

More hats, snakes, coins, flowers for the girls

He wanted Indiana Jones (of course) so we all pitched in to make little fondant toppers.   The hats and whips (all brown things) we made from warming Tootsie Rolls in the microwave for about 6 seconds  then shaping.  The rest was regular fondant that we painted with petal dust or food markers.   The cake was just Devil’s Food with chocolate buttercream icing.  I sprinkled crushed Oreos on top to make “dirt.”
It was fun and I think they came out really cute!

On (Almost) Quiet Moments

On the way home from taking sis to dance the boys told me they wanted to go practice soccer.
I couldn’t believe it pass it up so I pulled off at the soccer complex to let them run.


Life is getting so complicated lately.
We have to catch those fun moments whenever we can. 
High School choices, dance almost every day, soccer 2-3 nights a week, school…
I feel my chauffeur role expanding.
Emily got accepted in two summer intensive programs at Joffrey in NYC and one in Atlanta.  She really wanted to go to NYC but it’s so expensive and she has time.  (Think we might take a trip with her dance studio to NYC anyway, so that will be more fun! )

I’m joining in on the last foto Friday!
Household6Diva FotoFriday