I am not going to make any New Year’s resolutions, but do want to try to do the following on a regular basis for my body, mind, and spirit…

  • Attend yoga classes (I feel so much better when I do, and consequently I’m a lot nicer to be around.)
  • Write
  • Purge my closets and home of unnecessary items (I lean towards packrat…)
  • Be positive in my words and actions. 
  • Freelance translate (for pay, I always end up working pro-bono and not sure why.)
  • Tell and show my family and friends I love them more
  • Keep track of my volunteer hours.  (I don’t even want to tell you how many hours I had racked up last year, and can’t because I didn’t really keep good records.) 

*I made the above pic with Picnik.com.  I am so loving that site!