It’s Easy Being Green (sometimes)…
I am a greenie-mom. I admit it. In college my friends called me “Hippy Chick” because I just tend to slide to the natural side of things. I recycled and composted before it was easy to do. I try and shop responsibly, organic, and local. Saying this, my kids new school has gotten me in a dither.
I personally think this is one of the worst sins considering how easy it is to do in our county. Little Rock and North Little Rock both have curbside recycling programs that are fantastic (North Little Rock started it of course.) We have containers and can recycle pretty much anything now- plastics to #7, aluminum (which I actually take myself and get the cash for,) tin cans, paper…
I signed the school up for a program called “The Drink Pouch Brigade” by Terracycle where we collect the drink bags from Capri-Suns, Kool-Aid, Honest Tea, etc. They make neat purses, wallets, and pencil pouches from them. In three days I collected two huge garbage bags full! The point is that the plastic is kept out of landfills, AND the bonus is that Terracycle gives the school $.02 for each pouch we send in. Not too bad, except that I am sticky from washing little Capri Sun bags and smell like apple juice (which I am very allergic to.) I also signed us up for cookie bags (Oreos, Cakesters, etc.) but haven’t gotten that started yet.
Well, better get counting juice bags…