Aug 13, 2013 | Recipes, Sweets
Johnson County, Arkansas has the best peaches in the world (in my humble opinion…)
So, we made the drive to get a car full last week!
I made a pie based on my sweet mother-in-law’s crustless pie recipe, but
changed it a bit to accomodate a crust (which I love) and extra peaches (which I needed to use)
and I also wanted it to be a bit creamy, similar to a peach pie I like to make.
Here is what I came up with…
Peaches & Cream Pie
6-8 peaches (more or less is ok)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
3 large eggs, beaten
3 Tablespoons of butter
3 Tablespoons of Cream Cheese
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Pie crust (homemade or store bought)
- Roll out pie crust and place in pie tin.
- With mixer beat butter and cream cheese til softened.
- Add sugar to mixing bowl and beat til incorporated.
- Add eggs, flour, and vanilla.
- In pie crust place sliced and peeled peaches in rows. I like to take one peach and spread it out on one 1/8 section of the pie and keep going until I get a nice look.
- Slowly pour mixture over peaches in pie crust to fill crust.
- Bake at 375 or 400 until set and crust is a nice golden brown. Should not be “jiggly” when cooked.
- Cool and serve!
Jul 22, 2013 | Recipes, Uncategorized
When we can get fresh (good) papaya I go a bit nuts.
I think I’m eating two papayas a week
mainly making these yummies…
Papaya Smoothies
Chopped papaya (I usually use about 1-2 cups of papaya)
Ice Cubes (also 1-2 cups)
Milk (just enough to cover ice and papaya)
(and sometimes I add a bit of honey if papaya’s not really sweet)
Sometimes I’ll add a Tablespoon or two of Greek Yogurt
Blend until good and frothy!
Jul 5, 2013 | Recipes, Sides & Salads
We had a fun impromptu cookout for the 4th of July with friends and family!
I love salads in the summer and we had some great ones yesterday.
Here’s what I made:
Red, White, & Blue ‘Tato Salad
- 2 Bags of fingerling potatoes (Red, White, & Blue- these were called “Sunset Varieties”)
- Cook potatoes according to bag directions until firm but not mushy. (I boil mine but you could oven roast or microwave too.) Cool potatoes quickly by running in cold ice water.
- Chop into bite sized pieces.
- Chop some red onion and add to taste. (I added about three tablespoons or so.)
- I made a mustard vinaigrette by mixing balsamic vinegar, white vinegar, Dijon mustard, minced garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Pour over potatoes.
- Chop some fresh mint and dill and add to salad.
- I added a few tablespoons of pimento peppers for color.
Turned out to be a nice salad, and I didn’t have to worry about it getting too hot sitting out.
Quinoa Tabouli
I started using quinoa instead of bulgur wheat in my tabouli recipes a few months ago and my hubby loves it! It’s easier on tummies and has more protein too!
- Cook desired amount of quinoa according to package directions. I used 3 cups (makes a TON.) and had to rinse several times and then cook in 6 cups of boiling water. I usually toast my quinoa first after rinsing, but it’s not necessary.
- Peel, Seed, and Chop up one large cucumber into cubes and add to a large bowl.
- Wash and Chop up at least one bunch of parsley(I like Italian flat leaf) and add to bowl.
- Chop up some fresh mint (I used about 4 large stems) and add.
- For dressing put about 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice, and 2 Tablespoons (or so) of Penzey’s Greek Seasoning. Mix well and taste before adding to bowl.
- Mix cooked quinoa into bowl and toss to coat. You might need to add more of something to make it to your taste.
- Wash and chop one package of bite sized tomatoes to salad and enjoy!
I hope everyone had a fun fourth!
May 9, 2013 | Green Living, In-Edibles, Recipes
Yesterday I tried a new recipe for laundry detergent.
when it’s colder weather (especially if you use mainly cold water to wash.)
I love my recipe and it’s so inexpensive to make. The liquid recipe makes
equivalent to about 9 bottles of the HE detergent (medium bottles) or probably
one of the giant ones from Sam’s Club.
Since it’s getting warmer I wanted to try a powdered detergent recipe and
see how it compares.
Powdered Laundry Detergent
1 bar of soap (I use Dr. Bronner’s Citrus)
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing Soda
*if desired a few drops of essential oils- I use tea tree oil for antibacterial properties and a drop of bergamot because it smells nice
What you need |
Put borax, washing soda, and essential oils (if using) in bowl and stir.
Grate bar of soap into bowl.
I used my blender to mix it all into a fine powder |
Finished Product |
So far it’s working great.
I like that it takes up less space in my cabinet.
I’ll let you know if it lasts as long as the other recipe.
(Especially since it costs a little more to make.)
the never-ending battle.
Are you here?
Guess I have to get cleaning then…
May 6, 2013 | Recipes, Sweets, Uncategorized
my momma was kind enough
(as she always is)
to make me some brownies!
(Thanks mom!)
Now my momma’s brownies are by far the best brownies around.
(And I might fight ya if you say otherwise!)
She uses the recipe from the 1963 Betty Crocker Cooky Book (one of the best cookbooks I own BTW)
and I’m not sure why but even when I follow the same recipe mine are not quite as delectable.
(She must do something secret I’m not aware of…)
Here is that recipe:
Brownies from the Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book
4 squares of unsweetened chocolate (4 oz)
2/3 cup of shortening
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup chopped nuts
Heat oven to 350.
Grease a 13″ x 9″ x 2″ pan.
Melt chocolate and shortening over low heat.
Beat in sugar and eggs.
Blend flour, baking powder, and salt and stir in.
Mix in nuts.
Spread in pan and bake 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean.
Cut into bars!
Mom’s Brownies on Display! |
May 4, 2013 | Recipes, Sweets, Uncategorized
Come on down and get some goodies
TOMORROW from 9AM- 2PM!!
at the
Argenta Farmer’s Market,
Main Street- North Little Rock!
to help fight childhood hunger in the U.S.!
Arkansas food bloggers raised $1000 last year and we hope to top that this year!
My momma has made her fantastically marvelous, special, nutty brownies
for the occasion and I can tell you you won’t be disappointed!
Can’t make it (maybe because you don’t live nearby?)
You can still help fight childhood hunger by
- $35 can help a child care center begin
providing free after-school snacks and supper to at-risk children
- $65 can provide a grab-n-go cart to an
elementary school making it possible to provide free nutritious
breakfast for all their students as they enter their classrooms
- $100 can help provide 25 children facing hunger with backpacks full
of healthy food over the weekends and holidays when school meals are