It is COOOOLLLD again today (and rainy!) And to think that two days ago I started putting up winter clothes because it was in the 80’s! It is 33 outside and BRRR! The weatherman says it might even snow or sleet today. 🙁

A Leafhopper the Kids Found

This past weekend it was gorgeous. We went to Wye Mountain to see the daffodils. They were beautiful. My baby girl turned 12 on Tuesday and she decided she’d like to skip dance and have Max skip Cub Scouts to go to my favorite place, Chuck E Cheese. They had a good time and luckily Tuesdays are not the busiest at CEC so it was actually not too stressful on mom and dad.

THEN: 4th Birthday

NOW: 12th Birthday

Today’s my Aunt Kathy & cousin Chris‘ birthdays. Wishing you both a wonderful year! You are such special people and I love you!