Okay, I failed.
I think we ate out more this past week than we ever have, which was strange. 
I was fine on Monday, the busiest of days.  We had homemade pizza!
Then Tuesday came and we were running late again and ended up
eating Chinese one night, and one lunch…
Chick-Fil-A one breakfast, trying a new local Mexican joint another,
and then on Friday we were in Memphis so the
challenge couldn’t even work and we of course ate both lunch and dinner.
Oh well.
I swear we NEVER eat out like this.  
I told the kids this next week the challenge would be in full swing so not to even ask.
On the bright side today was the kids’ “graduation” from science classes at the 4H center.
They are so sad that the classes are over.  Emily’s class did a soil study where they collected information for UA’s County Extension office.  (The rock climbing and canoeing was a bonus!)
The data will be used in a study for the entire state so she was a little proud.  She also learned how to type blood, which I thought was pretty cool.
Max got to learn more about bats (they were studying habitats this year.)  He LOVES bats so that was a big hit also.  I’ve been so impressed with the classes out there.  They also do summer camps which are really fun!  Check out your local 4H offices!