Tornado Damage in Clarksville
My grandpa’s property was devestated by a tornado a last month. 
He lives in Clarksville, Arkansas- up on a ridge overlooking the town.  
The tornado came from close to the river and made it’s way up along a country road- destroying the country club, some homes, new car wash, and more.   It continued across the interstate and over the creek and up the hill to my grandpa’s house. 

The crazy thing was this…
After tearing up the electrical posts across from his house and splitting them in 3-4 parts it circled his house- taking up EVERY TREE in his yard except for one.  He had huge oaks, buckeyes, walnuts, pecans that were torn up by the roots like daisies and thrown.  His HAM radio antenna (about 40 ft tall) was twisted like a cherry stem.  
HAM antenna
NONE of those many trees hit his house.  His garage and sheds (except for one) were destroyed, some just gone.  There were shingles embedded in tree trunks.
A pine tree was thrown through one of his kitchen windows and sucked out again.  
(He doesn’t even have pine trees and neither do his neighbors!)  
Through the kindness of strangers they had all the trees chopped up very quickly.
(I believe they said it was the local football team and the Arkansas Baptist Association.)
My mom and uncle are still up there helping with the mess.

Emily’s favorite Pin Oak (Was about 3.5 ft. in diameter)
After sucking all the siding off the house, the tornado went back into a neighbor’s field and took 100 of her trees from a pasture.  It then went to my aunt’s house and crashed her garage and took some trees.  Then it decided to hop up into the air again and destroyed an apartment complex and a few new homes before heading out of town.  I think the death toll was five. 
Storms have been so bad this year.  
To me it’s a sign that global warming is VERY real.  Weather patterns are changing.
Mother nature is not happy.