Hot Fun in the Summertime

*FTC DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored by Wild River Country. All opinions are my very own. Let’s face it. Keeping kids happy when it’s hot outside can be difficult. With the age ranges in my kids- early twenties to pre-school age- it’s almost impossible! We were...

On Indy & Windy

Last weekend we took off for my eldest to audition at a college ballet program in Indianapolis.   We were expecting COLD weather and snow, but somehow luck was on our side and the weather was about the same as it was here when we left - about 37 to 34 or so.  (Didn't...

On Fall Break in NOLA

The end of September/beginning of October my kids had a week off for Fall Break and we took off for New Orleans on a spur-of-the-moment, long weekend trip! The cotton was being harvested on the roads from Arkansas to Louisiana.  I always love seeing the cotton...

College Dreams & Other Things (or Summer Road Trip 2014- Part 1)

This summer we wanted to take a road trip that consisted of touring colleges that my daughter is considering next year, with some fun thrown in. The plan was to make a giant loop and hit every school from here (central Arkansas) to DC and back with good dance...

On Fall Break Fun With the Mouse (Part 2)

Part 2 of Fall Break Fun with a Mouse!  On this trip, since we were doing things other than Disney,  we decided to only spend two days in the Disney parks.  We let the kids pick their favorites and they chose The Magic Kingdom (of course!) The Magic...

On Fall Break Fun with the Mouse! (Part 1!)

My kids go to a "year round" school, which means we get a lovely break in the fall. So, the last week in September/first in Oct. we took a trip to Orlando. Our first outing was to Legoland-so much fun!     This new one in Florida is located in the old...

Current Favorites

On Super Surprises

I left for the airport on Thursday thinking I was going to the windy city to tag along on a work trip for my hubby.   I was honestly dreading the wind and COLD temperatures (even went and bought long undies.)   We arrived at the Dallas airport to...

Fall Fun

My kids go to a year-round school, so we are lucky to have a wonderful thing called "Fall Break!" The last week in September to- first week in October we have the entire week off to enjoy life and each other's company.   This year Scott couldn't get time off...