Mar 31, 2011 | Arkansas, Travel, Uncategorized, United States
the first “real” part of our Spring Break.
Can you spot my frozen kid? (Can’t keep them out of the water.) |
Sweet when they are sleeping |
Boating on Lake Catherine |
Luna Moth Newly Emerged |
Spring -Sprung |
When is our next camping trip??
A special thanks to my mom for all the pictures. I forgot my camera and my phone battery decided to play dead for the trip. Thanks, mom!
Part 3 Tomorrow!
Nov 30, 2009 | Arkansas, Travel, Uncategorized, United States
Red Rock Mountain (view from the field by the cabin!)
We went to the hills this Thanksgiving. Really.
We decided to get out of Dodge and stayed in a beautiful log cabin at the Red Rock Retreat.
Just what you need when you have a family addicted to technology and a husband who usually works all vacation! 🙂
We thought we’d be roughing it, but they even had a blender, movie library, marshmallow sticks, books, games, pretty much everything you would want or need.
There were lovely trails. One to a waterfall, one to a fossil hill where the kids found fossils of prehistoric leaves and bones. They hiked to the waterfall while I cooked our turkey dinner.
Field by the cabin,
complete with cows!
Another beautiful view
At night you could hear the elk calling. Spooky sound!
It was so peaceful up there we started thinking about how nice it would be to live in a little cabin like that.
My dream job has always been to run a bed and breakfast somewhere…

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Aug 31, 2009 | Arkansas, Travel, Uncategorized, United States
The kids between a rock and a hard place
This weekend was gorgeous. Friday I had a Girl Scout startup cookout here. Then we just hung out here on Saturday and enjoyed the pool- but the kids were itching to run- so Sunday was a road trip day. We drove to Petit Jean and hiked.
Rocky “face” with fern beard
Scott just hanging out
Cole enjoying the view
What I saw the most of (trying to find my family)
Jun 22, 2009 | Arkansas, Travel, Uncategorized, United States
This weekend we made a jaunt up to my grandpa’s in Clarksville. The goal of the trip was to be there in time for some of the Johnson County Peach Festival festivities.
Rodeo Queens
Neat picture of the diversity in Clarksville. The building with the green awning used to be my great-grandfather’s drugstore “The Palace” and later my great uncles ran and owned it. My granddad had his doctor’s office next door! Walmart managed to eventually run them out of business.
I love the festival- so much small town fun! Even the governor got in on the parade action!
It was hot but we had a nice wall to lean on so had our bit of shade.
We missed the fiddle contest, which is always phenomenal, because the kids were too hot and wanted to jump in the lake. I was bummed but the cool water of the creek we found at Horsehead Lake made up for it (I think.) Cole really liked it! I know the Thai Steakhouse in Ozark made up for it. I LOVE that place. The family that owns it is the nicest and it’s probably the best “oriental” restaurant in Arkansas. (At least that I’ve found.) Beats everything in Central Arkansas hands down.
I decided to try to “color” my grey hair with cassia obovata I’d gotten from this site. It is a natural plant that you make into a paste and put on your hair. It’s supposed to condition hair and turn grey blonde. Doesn’t change any other hair colors. It really did work! Not supposed to last very long, but much better than all those bad chemicals. I don’t think it conditioned my hair though, made it feel a bit dry. Maybe it’s the orange juice you have to mix the powder with. I might try yogurt next go round like some suggest.
We came home for a nice Father’s Day cookout at my in-law’s and a movie (kids and I saw “Imagine That”.) Then J decided to stand up just as I was bending over to pick him up last night for bed. Perfect timing and a broken nose for mom. A little purple and a lot swollen, at least it is straight. That kid has one hard head.
Feb 19, 2009 | Arkansas, Travel, Uncategorized, United States

This weekend was so beautiful I have been officially bitten by the “Spring Bug.” The weather was chilly but sunny and the air was moist (which I enjoy.) We drove up to Petit Jean on Sunday after Emily played bells in two services, and rented a cute little cabin on the ridge of the canyon by Mather Lodge. They have started a “one pet cabin” trial and we took Cole to see how he’d take the hiking. The vet did say he needed to lose twenty (yes, twenty) pounds, so we thought it would do him some good.
We hiked the Seven Hollows trail the first day, 4.75 miles I think. There had been a major fire there since the last time we hiked that trail and it was almost surreal. I remember the last time we’d hiked it the trees were so magical and tall it was almost like being in a rain forest or fairyland. This time, it was like being on a totally different planet. Very strange feeling. It was really fun and the kids did great with hardly any “Mommy, carry me!” (Well, maybe a mile or two…) One thing we didn’t expect was how slow we’d be and didn’t pack a flashlight, we practically ran the last mile because the sun was getting so low!
The second day we just did the Falls hike and then headed for the climbing rocks and Bear Cave. The kids enjoyed playing hide and seek in the rocks and Max cried for a long while that he didn’t want to ever go home. We never found the petroglyphs in the caves, not sure where they are, have to research before next time. Emily fell on the way to the overlook and hurt her arm. Still aching and probably going to have to get it x-rayed tomorrow.
Feb 5, 2009 | Arkansas, Uncategorized, United States
One thing you can never predict is Arkansas weather! Last week the weather was at freezing or just above. Then yesterday it was in the 70’s (today too!)
We decided to go ride bikes on the River Trail since it was such a gorgeous day yesterday (and the last day of winter break for the kids.) We love the new trails!
We started at the Murry Dam and rode to Burn’s Park where we stopped for a picnic. On the way there we saw a few Great Blue Herons and Canada Geese on the river and even a white swan. It seemed strange to see a swan on the river, and alone at that. You don’t realize how big they are. Usually we see deer and nutrias or beaver, but it was so busy yesterday I guess they were all hiding. After lunch we rode back along the river and Emily did see a muskrat. I heard it but it was in the horsetails before I got a glimpse. Then we stopped at the bridge and walked over.
Now NLR/LR has the largest pedestrian walking bridge in the nation- the “Big Dam Bridge” -it spans the Arkansas River and goes right over Murray Lock and Dam.
It is so much fun to walk over the river and stand directly over the locks to watch the tugboats push barges down the river.
You can even yell down and talk to the bargemen…
“Where are you going?”
“What are you hauling?”
We watched nine barges full of wheat get pushed into the locks.
Then we got back on our bikes and headed back to the car. I think we rode about ten miles in all, give or take a few.
Who knows, it might snow tomorrow!