Current Favorites
Panamanian Tamales!
I love, love, love, Panamanian Tamales. In Panama I don't remember having them often, mainly at Christmastime at friends homes. Now I know it's because in Panama most people make them from scratch, cooking and grinding the green corn. I love to make them at Christmas...
Liquid Dishwasher Soap
I am going to try this recipe for liquid dishwashing soap from have tried MANY recipes for natural dishwashing soap, and not had good results.Hope that this one works!Natural Dishwasher Soap Recipe 1/2 CUP LIQUID CASTILLE SOAP *do NOT use regular...
Christmas Tree Food!
This is the recipe I use to "feed" my Christmas tree.I got it online somewhere a long time ago but modified it to not use bleach. How to Make Your Christmas Tree Fire Resistant(and keep it living til 3 King's Day!)Ingredients: • 2 cups of Karo Syrup • 2 ounces of...
Change in the form of chocolate?
Recipes and Ruts-Seems we all seem to get in them, don't we? I know I have my favorite recipe for something and don't vary from it- mainly where baking is concerned. (Honestly I'm not one to actually follow a recipe otherwise- such the rebel, eh?)For example:BrowniesI...
Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!
Well, we made our annual Halloween Gingerbread Cookies. This year I let the kids make them so they don't look quite like last year's,but were much more fun to make!Kids rolling out the doughGetting ready to bakeWe only had one minor squirmish (is that a word?) over...
Fried Green Tomatoes
My tomato crop has been SLOW going. Still growing but still green.Made my mouth water thinking about FRIED GREEN TOMATOES!Step 1-Wash tomatoes and cut into THIN slices (this is a key factor!) Make sure to use a SHARP knife or you could cut yourself. Dull knives make...